What Makes Sex Feel Better For Men Or Women?

Several Redditors weighed in on what makes sex feel good for them. They talked about the slow build of sexual tension and orgasms.

They also mentioned arousal, a feeling that comes from increased blood flow to the genitals. This results in a penile erection for men and swollen labia minora (inner lips) or clitoris for women. This is accompanied by the release of hormones like dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin.


Pleasure is a physical sensation and can be felt throughout the body. Pleasure comes from stimulating the nerve fibers in your genital area and other erogenous zones, which are sensitive to pressure, friction, vibration, and touch. It is also a mental sensation that can be triggered by thoughts, feelings, and fantasies. Pleasure can be experienced during sexual activity or masturbation. It can vary in intensity for men and women.

Pleasurable sensations during sex can include an erection, intense pleasure, and a sense of well-being. It can also lead to oxytocin release, which creates a sense of closeness and trust. These feelings are a part of the brain’s natural pleasure center and can occur during intercourse or even just physical contact.

While men’s bodies respond to different stimulation to trigger orgasm, most women enjoy a wide range of sensations, including touch, pain, and feeling wanted. They may prefer a slow progression of foreplay or a gradual build-up of sexual stimulation. Women can have multiple orgasms with continued stimulation and they usually require a period of time after each one before they’re ready for another.

It’s important to communicate with your partner about their likes and dislikes to reduce stress and performance anxiety, which can affect whether or not they experience pleasure during sex. Having regular conversations about foreplay, climax, and sexual boundaries can help you find what works for both of you and create a positive relationship.

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Having arousal means feeling sexually excited and turned on. It involves a combination of psychological and physiological changes in the body. Arousal is different from desire, which is the emotional want to have sex.

During arousal, blood flow increases to the genitals, which makes them swollen with blood and highly sensitive. The penis and vagina each have tissue rich with nerve endings that become engorged and stimulated, which leads to pleasure. The sensations can feel different each time. Some orgasms build up slowly and get more intense, while others are short, quick bursts of pleasure.

Arousal can be triggered by touch, sight, sound, smell, or taste, but it also occurs spontaneously. The feeling is enhanced when a person engages in sexually stimulating activities, such as oral sex or masturbation. Arousal can happen alone or with a partner. It may also occur during intercourse or a non-sexual activity, such as watching an erotic video or reading a sexy book.

Many factors can affect arousal, including stress, drugs and alcohol, and hormonal changes like menopause or pregnancy. If you’re having trouble feeling aroused, try changing your routine or using a lubricant to increase sensitivity. If hormonal changes are the issue, talk to a doctor or therapist about possible treatments, such as estrogen therapy. Pregnancy, miscarriage, and breastfeeding also cause huge hormonal shifts that can make it hard to feel aroused.

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Intimacy is a key component of any healthy relationship. Despite it being commonly confused with sex, intimacy is much more than just a physical act. Intimacy in a romantic relationship is an emotional and psychological state of closeness that can be cultivated. It requires mutual trust, honesty, and respect. A lack of intimacy can lead to feelings of loneliness and anxiety.

Research has shown that intimacy is a key factor in relational satisfaction and can even promote mental health. It can also increase sexual desire, which may explain why sex feels better for women and men when they are intimate with their partners.

Intimate relationships are important for both men and women. Intimacy can be achieved in many ways, including sharing thoughts and emotions, expressing desires openly, and supporting one another’s hobbies. Intimacy can even be achieved through activities such as cooking and cleaning together.

While it may be hard to achieve intimacy, it is worth trying. It can help to identify what aspects of your relationship are lacking intimacy and what you can do to improve it. For example, if you feel comfortable telling your partner that you love their guilty pleasure boy band playlist, that’s a sign of intimacy! Honesty and intimacy feed on each other. Try to establish both and see how they impact your overall satisfaction with the relationship.


Painful intercourse can be caused by a variety of things. For women, it can be a result of not enough lubrication or sexual arousal (it can take up to 20 minutes for a woman to become aroused). If this is the case, increasing foreplay and using a lubricant will help alleviate the pain. Women who experience pain during sex should talk to their partner about it and see if they can figure out what is causing it.

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Other causes of painful sex for women include hormonal changes, nerve conditions and certain medical issues such as endometriosis or a prolapse. Women who suffer from pelvic pain often find it difficult to discuss their discomfort with their partners. This can lead to a lack of communication between couples and can also impact their intimacy.

Many women who suffer from painful sex feel that they are to blame for the pain, and not their partner. These women are not speaking up, and that is costing them pleasure and satisfaction. Many grew up believing that sex should hurt and have learned to subordinate their own pleasure to their men’s.

Physiologically, pain and pleasure have more in common than one might think. Both activate the reward system of the brain, regulating neurotransmitters that are responsible for motivation-driven behaviors. Pleasure and pain also both involve the nucleus accumbens, a region of the brain that regulates pleasure and arousal.

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