Why Is My Penis So Sensitive?

Penile sensitivity is normal, and it can even provoke sexual arousal in some cases. However, in some men it leads to a problem known as premature ejaculation (PE).

In many cases, this can be corrected by changing lifestyle habits and avoiding certain types of masturbation. In some instances, psychological therapy can be helpful as well.

Physical Causes

If you’re experiencing a loss of sensation in your penis, there could be a physical reason for it. This can occur after traumatic injury to the penis or even after surgery, and it’s important to see your doctor for a diagnosis and treatment. If you’re suffering from an infection, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics or antifungals to clear the pathogens and restore your penis’ sensitivity. In some cases, your sensitivity may be a side effect of certain medications, especially SSRIs or other antidepressants. These drugs decrease pain sensitivity, so your penis may feel less sensitive than it normally does. Talk to your doctor about changing your prescription or switching medications if you’re having these issues.

The penis is innervated [supplied with nerves] by a nerve called the pudendal nerve. This nerve provides sensation to the skin of the penis as well as the perineal area, scrotum and anus. Problems with this nerve can cause a loss of sensation in the penis, numbness in the penis and erectile dysfunction.

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Anxiety and stress can also lead to a more sensitive penis, and psychological therapy can help individuals cope with these emotions. Therapists can teach patients relaxation techniques, which can reduce tension throughout the body and allow their penis to become less sensitive. They can also work with individuals to explore their sexual fears and feelings of shame or embarrassment about their genitals, which can sometimes cause a sensitive penis.

Psychological Causes

Rough sex and vigorous masturbation can cause friction to the penis, which can make it hypersensitive. The genitals can also be sensitive if the nerves that send sensations to the peen are compressed, as may occur from certain seating positions and health conditions (such as diabetes or diabetic neuropathy).

Sexual trauma and other forms of sexual anxiety and shame can lead to a decreased sense of touch in the penis and other areas of the body. This can make it difficult to feel pleasure during sex or to have an erection.

Fortunately, these issues can be treated and managed. A consultation with a specialist can help you determine what is making your penis sensitive and find the best treatment for it.

In some cases, it’s important to treat the root cause of the problem, and this could include undergoing therapy such as cognitive behavioral therapy or eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR). In other cases, using penile desensitising sprays or numbing cream can help decrease the sensitivity of the peen. If the sensitivity is due to mental health concerns, therapists or counselors who specialize in sexual anxiety and trauma may be able to help. These practitioners can use techniques such as CBT and EMDR to reduce the anxiety or fear associated with sex and sexual activity, which can also help improve a man’s ability to experience pleasure.

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Relationship Concerns

Penis sensitivity is both a blessing and a curse, as most men can attest to. It is responsible for pleasure during sexual activity, but it also makes it difficult to orgasm on your own. Fortunately, there are several techniques that can help you desensitize your penis, giving you more control over your pleasure and eliminating the possibility of premature ejaculation.

Keeping the area clean is another way to decrease sensitivity. This is especially important if you have a condition like phimosis, in which the foreskin cannot be retracted, says Dr Mittal.

Being honest about your sensitivity with your partner can also help. It will allow your partner to better understand your situation and work with you to overcome it. If your sensitivity is interfering with your relationship, seeking professional help may be in order.


If your sensitive penis is causing you pain and discomfort, there are some things that can help. Topical ointments and sprays that reduce sensitivity, such as those containing the anesthetic lidocaine, may make your penis less sensitive to touch and may also help with premature ejaculation (PE). These medications can be purchased over-the-counter or by prescription. Oral antidepressants, known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), may also reduce sensitivity and the risk of PE. These medications are typically prescribed for depression but have been found to be effective in the treatment of PE.

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It’s important to discuss your sensitivity concerns with a doctor or urologist. They can determine the underlying cause and come up with a plan to help you get relief. It’s often possible to find a solution quickly with the right support and guidance.

Psychological therapy is another treatment option that can help patients with sensitive penis syndrome better understand and manage their condition. Techniques like cognitive behavior therapy and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing can be used to address trauma or feelings of anxiety that can contribute to sensitive penis problems. You can also try stress-reduction techniques, such as exercise, a healthy diet and eliminating smoking.

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