Should You Have Sex Everyday?

The answer to this question depends on what you consider to be “sex.” As long as it is mutually desired by both partners and does not cause health or mental problems, daily sexual activity can be normal.

But there are some drawbacks to daily sex, including increased risk of sexually transmitted infections and vaginal dryness.

1. It’s a great way to bond with your partner

The benefits of a healthy sexual life are plentiful, and it’s definitely worth the effort to maintain that intimacy in your relationship. It’s also important to remember that frequency doesn’t necessarily equal quality — if you’re not happy with the amount of sex you’re having or feel like you don’t have the sexual desire, talk to your doctor and consider working with a sex therapist (here are some great ones).

If you find yourself craving more intimacy, try reworking your bedroom routine with your partner and experiment with new ways to connect physically. Cuddling, kissing, and talking can help build intimacy and may even lead to more sex. Just make sure you’re both using a safe lubricant for frequent use and keep must-haves like barrier protection and lube stocked so you’re ready when the mood strikes. Also, be aware that daily sex can increase your risk of urinary tract infections, so be sure to pee after every orgasm and practice good hygiene to prevent bacteria from getting into your vagina. Also, it’s possible to become preoccupied with sex and develop compulsive sexual behavior, which should be addressed with a sex therapist.

Read:  Does Sex Feel Different During Ovulation?

2. It’s a great way to relieve stress

Having sex every day is definitely good for you, especially if you’re in a healthy relationship. However, if you’re struggling with emotional or sexual issues, it may be best to seek therapy or couples counseling to help you cope.

Sex releases feel-good hormones like dopamine and oxytocin, which boost feelings of pleasure and help you love your partner more. It also lowers your stress levels by reducing your blood pressure and heart rate, making you more relaxed. It’s also thought to improve your memory by stimulating the hippocampus, the part of the brain associated with learning and memorization.

But while daily sex is normal and beneficial for both you and your partner, it’s important to use safe and clean lubrication to avoid any infections or friction. And be careful not to overdo it, as too much sex can lead to a host of physical problems, from erectile dysfunction and penis soreness to urinary tract infections. Also, make sure to always use condoms, if necessary. This will reduce your risk of STIs and infections. And if you’re having multiple partners, make sure to use barrier protection as well.

3. It’s a great way to burn calories

A lot of people believe that sex burns a ton of calories. And it can — especially if you treat it like a workout. The more intense the sex and the longer you go at it, the more calories you’ll burn.

It’s important to remember that sex is not just a physical activity, but it’s also an emotional and mental one. So it can be hard to maintain if you’re not in the mood for it.

Read:  Why Do I Feel Tired After Sex?

Also, if you’re putting yourself through the torture of having sex daily just to burn calories, you could end up with some serious health problems. The friction from all that rubbing, thrusting, and vibrating can lead to chafed skin which makes it easier for bacteria to enter the body and cause infections.

Ultimately, it’s up to the individual to decide how much sex they want in their life. As long as it’s consensual, pleasurable, and not causing any health issues for either partner, then more sex is always a good thing! Just make sure to use a quality lube that’s safe for frequent use.

4. It’s a great way to get rid of your heinous menstrual cramps

During the first phase of a relationship (or the honeymoon period), it’s common for couples to have sex a lot more frequently. It’s a great way to bond with your partner and it’s also really good for your body, as it releases feel-good chemicals and increases the levels of serotonin in the brain, which is one of the body’s key antidepressant chemicals.

However, as you move out of this stage and into a more mature relationship, it’s normal to have less frequent sex. According to a YouGov survey, only 4% of adults say that they have sex everyday, and most people say they prefer to have sex a few times a week or once a week.

Of course, whatever frequency of sex you choose, it’s important to use barrier protection and lube to avoid sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancy. But most importantly, sex should be fun and exciting and it’s okay to have as much or as little as you and your partner are comfortable with. The goal is to have a happy, healthy and loving relationship, so do what feels right for you.

Read:  High Sex Drive Before Period

5. It could make you crazy-fertile

While it might seem like the more sex, the better when it comes to conceiving, this is not always the case. In fact, having sex every day could actually make it harder to conceive.

That’s because the more you have sex, the lower your sperm count gets. This is because the body gets used to the sex and stops producing as much. Having sex too often can also increase your chances of getting an infection, which is definitely not what you want when trying to conceive.

If you want to try to conceive, it’s best to have sex only on your most fertile days. Usually this is from five days before you ovulate to the day after. It’s not easy to do, though, especially if you and your partner aren’t very sexy. But, it’s definitely worth a shot. Just be sure to keep lube and barrier protection on hand. And remember, quality is better than quantity — so just do what feels good. After all, the 2020 Tenga Self-Pleasure Report found that 13 percent of people masturbate daily.

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