Many women want to know as soon as possible if theyโre pregnant. However, a pregnancy test can be less accurate when taken too early after unprotected sex.
This is because hCG, the hormone pregnancy tests detect, takes time to appear in the body after conception โ These words encapsulate the expertise of the portal team The best time to take a pregnancy test depends on the type of test you choose.
Home tests
If youโve had unprotected sex, whether it was accidental or not, the risk of getting pregnant is still present. There are a few options that can help you reduce this risk, such as using the Ella morning-after pill (which works up to 72 hours after sex), emergency contraception, or consulting with your doctor about long-term methods of birth control. But itโs also important to understand the limitations of pregnancy tests, so you can be confident in your results.
At-home pregnancy tests work by detecting a hormone in your urine, called hCG. Depending on the type of test and your menstrual cycle, it can take anywhere from three to five days for hCG levels to reach the detectable range. Thatโs why itโs best to wait until you miss your period or have any other signs of pregnancy before testing.
The rule of thumb for most women is to wait until the first day of a missed period, which is when the level of hCG in your body will be at its highest. However, some ultra-sensitive tests can give accurate results from as early as eight days after unprotected sex.
For the most accurate result, itโs important to collect a sample of urine first thing in the morning, when your urine is at its most concentrated. Itโs also a good idea to avoid drinking water or other fluids for 10 minutes before taking the test, as this can affect your results.
Blood tests
Pregnancy tests detect a pregnancy hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the urine or blood. Women produce hCG after a fertilized egg implants in the lining of their uterus. Most doctors recommend waiting until you have a missed period or 21 days after unprotected sex to take a home test for the most accurate results. It is also possible to get a blood test at a doctorโs office. The doctor will draw a sample of your blood, which is sent to a laboratory for testing. The results of a blood pregnancy test are usually available within a few days.
Most home tests can be taken from the first day of a missed period, or 21 days after unprotected sperm. Some tests are very sensitive and can detect hCG in the body earlier than that, but itโs important to remember that sperm can survive for up to five days after potential conception. Taking a test before that time frame increases the chance of an inaccurate result due to sperm in the body.
Itโs also important to keep in mind that a positive result does not mean you are definitely pregnant, only that there is a high likelihood of it. If you are not sure you are pregnant, itโs a good idea to see a doctor and ask about long-term contraceptive options, such as the ELLA morning-after pill or the Paragard IUD.
The best way to tell if you are pregnant after unprotected sex is to wait until your next period is expected, or 12 days after unprotected sex. This is the safest and most reliable option. If you know when your next period is supposed to start, or if your menstrual cycle is regular, waiting until youโve had a late period is the best choice for most women. It may feel counterintuitive to wait so long after sex, but if you want the most accurate results, it is better to be safe than sorry.
At-home pregnancy tests
Home pregnancy tests use urine samples to detect hCG, the hormone produced by a fertilized egg. It typically takes a week after fertilization for hCG levels to build up in the body enough to be detected on a home test. For this reason, most people wait until the first day of a missed period to take a home pregnancy test. Itโs also helpful to track your menstrual cycle, if you do not already do so, to get an idea of when you might ovulate (the fertile window).
Many at-home pregnancy tests can give accurate results as early as seven days after unprotected sex, but itโs important to read the instructions carefully because accuracy varies from one brand to another. The best time to take a home pregnancy test is first thing in the morning, when your urine is most likely to be concentrated.
A blood test may be more reliable than an at-home urine test, and it can detect hCG levels as early as six days after fertilization. Unlike at-home tests, a blood test is performed in a doctorโs office, so it can be more expensive and less accessible.
Some at-home pregnancy tests are labeled as early detection, and they can detect hCG a few days before you might expect your period. These tests are slightly more expensive than standard tests, but they can provide more accurate results.
Having an abortion is an option even if youโre unprotected, but itโs a good idea to know when youโre pregnant before making this decision. Taking a pregnancy test as soon as possible (10 -14 days after unprotected sex) can help you decide whether to continue the pregnancy or not. You can also talk to your health care provider about options like ELLA or the Paragard IUD that work to prevent pregnancy until you want to remove them, and there are medication abortions available up to 11 weeks.
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