Why Do I Get So Wet During Sex?

When it comes to sex, we’re often told that being aroused means getting super wet down there. But wetness doesn’t necessarily signify arousal, and there are other factors that can affect how much fluid you produce.

Cervical mucus (a lubricating substance that removes bacteria from the vulva) can fluctuate throughout the menstrual cycle and become thicker around ovulation. Other factors that impact vaginal wetness include:

Bartholin’s Glands

Women’s vulva contains several glands that secrete fluid, including the Bartholin’s glands. These pea-sized glands are on either side of the entrance to your vagina. They make fluid that keeps your vulva moist and also acts as a lubricant during sex. These glands connect to the rest of the vulva through ducts. If a gland or duct becomes blocked, fluid can build up and form a swelling, called a cyst. A cyst is usually painless, but if it gets infected, you may have to go to the doctor for treatment.

When a person is sexually aroused, blood rushes to the genitals and causes them to fill up with blood and other fluid. This pressure creates a seal around the genital area and forces the fluid from the Bartholin’s glands to seep out of the vulva, creating wetness. The fluid is mixed with blood and pushed through the labia minora, causing the sensation of squirting (also known as female ejaculation).

When you’re not sexually aroused, most of your vaginal discharge comes from glands in your cervix and walls of your vagina. However, if you’re wet and it smells fishy or rotten, it might be coming from the Bartholin’s glands instead. These glands only activate when you’re turned on and they produce the liquid that causes squirting. A doctor can determine if you have a cyst by doing a pelvic exam and taking a sample of the fluid inside the cyst.

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If you’re a woman, chances are you’ve heard about squirting at some point-be it in porn or from your more kink-friendly friends during brunch. However, even though squirting is common and often celebrated-it’s still somewhat of a mystery, especially since most people don’t really know what it is or why it happens.

Most women who squirt report that it feels like a warm, flowing sensation between their legs, and that their genitals are flooding. They also report that this liquid (sometimes called “squirting fluid”) smells, tastes, and feels different than pee. Many squirters say that it’s a gush of fluid that comes from the vulva or penis, while others describe it as a thinner more watery substance that comes from their Skene glands.

While the squirting phenomenon isn’t fully understood, it is thought that the fluid released during orgasm might help to break up semen and make lube more effective. It also might help to flush out bacteria that may have made their way up through the urethra during sexual activity, which would be helpful in preventing UTIs. In fact, in one study, researchers found that women who squirted regularly had less frequent UTIs.

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Low Sex Drive

Everyone has a different level of sexual drive. The good news is that a low libido does not necessarily indicate a problem and does not mean you or your partner are uninterested in having sex. However, it is important to understand that if your low libido causes distress in your relationship or it bothers you personally, it may be time to seek help from a doctor.

A decrease in sex drive can be normal due to a variety of reasons, from not sleeping well to being under a lot of stress. It is also common to experience a low libido during pregnancy, breastfeeding and as one gets older. In many cases, a low sex drive improves over time or with the resolution of stressors.

For women who have been diagnosed with HSDD, there is a new drug called Addyi that has been shown to significantly increase sex drive in women. While it is not a cure for the condition, it can be used in conjunction with other treatments like sex therapy and pelvic floor physical therapy to promote healthy and long-lasting intimate relationships. Some people also find that improving their sex life by adding sex toys or taking a romantic weekend away from day-to-day responsibilities can increase their libido and lead to more satisfying and fulfilling sex.

Vaginal Dryness

Women with vaginal dryness can experience pain, discomfort and an inability to become orgasmic during sex. The condition is more common in postmenopausal women and it is usually caused by a drop in estrogen. It’s sometimes referred to as “genitourinary syndrome of menopause.” The best treatment option is usually hormone replacement therapy, which is available in the form of a vaginal ring, tablet or cream.

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In addition to hormones, there are many other factors that can impact vaginal lubrication. Some medications like antidepressants have sexual side effects, and others can decrease libido as well as the amount of lubrication produced in the vulva (1). In addition, dehydration can lead to dryness. Certain soaps, dyes and perfumes can also draw moisture out of cells in the vulva. Tracking your sex drive with an app like Clue can help you discover how your hormones affect your sex drive and the lubrication of your vulva.

If you are experiencing painful intercourse, consider using a vaginal lubricant that doesn’t contain petroleum jelly or glycerin (since those can irritate the vulva) and is safe to use with latex condoms and diaphragms. In a recent study, more than 9 out of 10 women reported that using a lubricant made sex feel more comfortable and pleasurable during solo masturbation and paired sex. Try experimenting with different types of lubricants to find the one that works best for you.

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