How to Make Penis More Sensitive

If you’re able to get orgasms while masturbating but find it hard to have sensation during intercourse, it could be because of what is known as “death grip.” This can be solved by switching up your masturbation techniques and either loosening the grip or stroking more gently.

Other reasons you may be experiencing reduced penile sensitivity can include prostate issues and medication like Viagra or other PDE5 inhibitors. However, most of the time, loss of sensation is fixable.

1. Change Your Masturbation Technique

Men who experience loss of sensation on the penis can find relief in a variety of ways. For example, changing the way they masturbate can help them feel more sensitive again. This can include experimenting with different grips and strokes, as well as using a wider range of body parts.

It may also be helpful to use a numbing cream or spray to recondition the area and make it more responsive. This type of product contains a mild anaesthetic that reduces sensation to the area and can help you become more aware of your own pleasure.

Another option is to try different lubricants, from a simple natural wetness to a more intensive sex gel or medication. Certain sex medications, like Viagra or ED pills, increase blood flow to the penis and can help you feel more sensitive.

Finally, if you have a sedentary lifestyle and don’t get enough physical activity, this can also decrease penile sensitivity. To combat this, consider trying to get more active and incorporating activities that involve more movement and exercise.

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2. Get More Physical Activity

Many men report that their penis become less sensitive as they get older. Getting more physical activity can improve penile sensitivity and boost blood flow. This can make it easier to reach orgasm during sex.

Certain medications can also cause a loss of penile sensation. Antidepressants, for example, have been linked to delayed orgasm and reduced sensitivity in the glans. Other causes of decreased penile sensitivity include hernia surgery, circumcision, and multiple sclerosis. Innovus Pharma has a new over-the-counter (OTC) product called Sensum+ that is specifically designed to increase sensitivity in the glans.

This solution involves a topical cream that activates TRPA-1 channels in the glans. This is a receptor that is used to detect temperature, pressure, and vibrations on the skin. In addition to increasing sensitivity, this cream can also help delay ejaculation in men that tend to be premature ejaculators. This is because it can increase the ejaculatory spinal cord pathway that is located at the ventral tip of the corona. This method can also be combined with a lubricant that contains lidocaine to reduce ejaculation even more.

3. Change Your Lifestyle

Many things can contribute to decreased penile sensitivity. For instance, some medications decrease pain sensitivity and can lead to a lack of sensation down there. If this is the case, it’s important to let a doctor know about this and see if they can change your medication.

Other lifestyle factors can also contribute to a lack of sensation in the area. For example, excessive masturbation can decrease sensitivity as it puts too much pressure on the body. A good way to increase sensitivity is to stop masturbating so often and try other techniques, such as stroking or rubbing the area.

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In addition, being overweight can make it more difficult for blood vessels to get through to the penis. Getting more exercise, changing diet, and avoiding certain medications can all help improve sensitivity. If these techniques do not work, it may be time to consider a medical solution like GAINSWave. This treatment can help increase sensitivity by eliminating plaque build-up in the penis and promoting new blood vessel growth. This can lead to a more satisfying erection and an orgasm that lasts longer.

4. Talk to Your Partner

Men take their penis’ sensitivity for granted. But if a man experiences a loss of penile sensation, it can affect their sexual enjoyment and intimacy. It may also explain problems with creating and maintaining an erection or experiencing an orgasm during sex.

The first step to solving this problem is for the male to talk to his partner and let them know what he is experiencing. Then, he can together decide how to proceed. This might involve trying numbing sprays or creams that contain lidocaine, such as those available over-the-counter and in some pharmacies. Alternatively, there are “climax control” condoms that contain a topical anesthetic to decrease sensation and delay ejaculation.

This may be a difficult conversation to have, but it is important for partners to communicate openly. They should also work together to address underlying issues such as stress, anxiety and depression that can cause a loss of sexual sensitivity. Finally, if they are not satisfied with their sexual experiences, it is important for the couple to seek professional help. This might include sex/couples therapy and other types of counselling.

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5. Seek Medical Attention

If you’re experiencing less sensitivity down there, it’s important to speak with your healthcare provider. There could be a medical reason for it, such as certain conditions that decrease sensation over time, like diabetes or multiple sclerosis, as well as medications that have the side effect of desensitizing the penis, such as antidepressants.

Other reasons can include injury, rough masturbation, or even using a sex toy that’s too hard on the penis. You may also find it harder to reach orgasm during sex or experience PE, which can be frustrating and uncomfortable.

Luckily, there are some natural ways to make your penis more sensitive, including experimenting with different masturbation techniques and finding the right kind of lubricant for you. You can also try increasing your blood flow to the area through physical activity and healthy lifestyle changes, such as eating a balanced diet, getting regular exercise, managing stress levels, and maintaining a good sleep routine. Then there’s GAINSWave, an extracorporeal shockwave treatment that can help increase the amount of blood that flows into your penis, resulting in more orgasms and erections.

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