Why is My Penis Bent?

Most men have a slight curve in their penis when they are erect. However, if this curve is significant and causes pain or makes it difficult to get an erection, there may be another reason for this.

Some curvature is present at birth (congenital). But most curved penises develop later in life as the result of an injury to the penis, which can occur once, acutely, or repeatedly over time, chronically.

Peyronie’s Disease

Peyronie’s disease can affect a man’s penis by creating thick, hard plaques of scar tissue that cause the penis to bend or become disfigured. This condition usually comes on gradually and doesn’t seem to be related to an injury. The condition can also make it difficult for men to have sex or get an erection. Some studies suggest that the condition might be linked to heredity or certain health conditions such as diabetes or tobacco use.

A person might need treatment for Peyronie’s disease if the symptoms are bothersome or if they interfere with work or daily activities. A urologist will usually examine the patient and feel for any plaques on the penis. They may also perform an ultrasound to check for any signs of scar tissue. They might also give the person an injection to help their penis stay erect.

Most doctors recommend using a traction device on the penis to help with the condition. The device is usually worn for a month or two. If the device doesn’t help, a doctor might recommend surgery. However, most surgeries only help in a small percentage of patients. There is no known way to completely cure the condition. However, some people do recover with time.

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Dupuytren’s Contracture

Dupuytren’s contracture is a condition that affects the palm of the hand and fingers. It is caused by thickening of the fascia in the palm that causes a contracture or curling of the affected fingers and thumbs into the palm of your hand. It generally starts in the ring and small finger rays, but can eventually involve all digits of the hand. It usually occurs after age 40, and it is more common in men than women. It can be more likely in people who have a family history of Dupuytren’s and who take certain medications, including some drugs used to treat epileptic seizures and certain antidepressants.

There are a number of treatment options for Dupuytren’s, and the condition can be treated successfully in 9 out of 10 patients. A surgeon can perform a procedure called needle fasciotomy in which they insert a needle into the affected area to cut the cords, allowing the fingers to straighten. This can be done in the doctor’s office, and it is often painless.

Peyronie’s disease and Dupuytren’s contracture can be very painful, but they are both treatable. A specialized plastic surgeon can help to relieve the discomfort of these conditions and restore function to the hands of affected patients. For more information, contact a specialist in your area today. They can assess your symptoms and recommend the best treatment option for you.

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Injuries to the penis often occur during sexual activity, and they can result in a number of complications. These include ejaculation before vaginal penetration (premature ejaculation) and a painful, unnaturally firm erection that lasts hours or days (priapism). In addition to these physical consequences, men who sustain sexual trauma may develop anxiety and change their sexual practices as a result of fear of repeat injury. This can lead to long-term sexual dysfunction, even after the trauma has been surgically addressed.

A curved penis is a normal part of the human body, and it is commonly seen in young people during puberty. In some cases, the curvature is present from birth. Other times, it may develop as a result of injury or a health condition. The condition is sometimes referred to as fibrous penis, a curved penis or Peyronie’s disease.

A urologist can diagnose this issue by assessing the individual’s medical history and performing a physical examination. Imaging studies like X-rays and ultrasounds can help them locate the exact area of the damage. Medications such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can provide pain relief, but they cannot treat the cause of the problem or influence long-term outcomes. Surgical repair is the only effective treatment option for penile trauma. In the short term, it can also be helpful to educate patients about healthy sexual practices and avoiding vigorous sexual positions.


If your penis is a little bit curved up, down or to the left or right it’s important not to feel self-conscious. Having a slightly curved member is completely normal and some people even find it easier to hit the G-spot when they have an erection if their member is a little crooked. However, if your curve becomes severe enough to cause pain or prevent sexual intercourse it is best to seek treatment.

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Genetics can play a big role in your body’s size and shape, including your penis. Usually your genes are passed down from parents but sometimes they can change or “mutate” to make you look different. It’s also common for a person’s penis to become more curved as they get older.

If you’re experiencing a sudden or gradual increase in your penis’ curvature or your curve is becoming painful it’s best to see a GP as soon as possible to establish the cause. Your GP may recommend traction therapy, which is a gentle form of stretching that’s been proven to improve the length of the penis. Alternatively, they may recommend surgery to remove the plaque or scar tissue that’s causing the curvature. They’ll only suggest surgery if the symptoms are severe, painful and/or preventing you from having sex with your partner(s). If you experience these problems it’s also worth discussing the issues with a sex therapist to help process any stress you or your partners might be feeling around the changes.

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