How to Fix a Curved Penis

Most men have a slight curve to their penis when it’s erect. This is totally normal and there’s no need to worry if the curve doesn’t cause pain or interfere with sexual function.

However, a curved penis that becomes painful or causes problems with intercourse requires medical attention. Here’s how to fix it.


Although a slight curve in the penis is normal, if it becomes painful during sexual intercourse or makes it impossible to have one, you should seek medical treatment. If left untreated, a curved penis can lead to serious health conditions such as erectile dysfunction, fibrosis and even urethral damage.

If your curved penis is due to Peyronie’s disease, it will likely need to be treated with a combination of oral, topical, injection and traction therapy before surgical intervention is possible. However, in severe cases of Peyronie’s disease, surgery has been shown to be the most effective treatment option.

During penile plication, your doctor will use stitches to reduce the bending of the penis. This procedure will also correct notches, waists and any length or width loss associated with PD.

Another common form of penile rectification is called “penile modeling.” During this procedure, your doctor will inject the medication Clostridium histolyticum into the penis to break down the plaque and straighten the penis.

During this process, you will experience bruising and swelling in the pubic area. After the swelling and bruising subside, you can begin sexual activity. You may require several sessions of penile modeling to achieve your desired results. However, once the curved penis has been corrected through this method, it will stay that way for life.

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Erectile Dysfunction

Having a curved penis can be normal and even desirable in some cases, particularly if it does not impact sexual activity or make urination difficult. However, if the curve of the penis becomes painful or causes difficulties with erections and urination, it may need to be treated.

The most common cause of a curved penis is a condition called Peyronie’s disease. In this disorder, an abnormal healing process leads to inflammation and plaque on the erectile portion of the penis. The resulting scar tissue stiffens the tunica albuginea and causes it to bend, most commonly upward. In some cases, the penis may also become shorter as the plaque calcifies.

Symptoms of Peyronie’s disease include pain during an erection, loss of girth in the shaft of the penis and difficulty or pain during sexual intercourse. Early diagnosis and treatment can help halt the progression of the disease and improve the chances of a cure.

Nonsurgical treatments for Peyronie’s disease include a traction device, in which a cylinder with a flexible band is placed over the top of the penis and air pumped into it. This device stretches the penis, helping to straighten it, and can be worn for as little as 30 minutes per day. Another option is oral medication that helps break down the scar tissue and improve blood flow to the penis.

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Peyronie’s Disease

Peyronie’s disease is a condition where the penis forms painful plaques that bend and stiffen it when erected. This ailment can occur for several months or years before it stabilizes. Often, it occurs when a man has sex or suffers from erectile dysfunction (ED).

The underlying cause of this condition is unknown. However, it is likely related to a past injury to the penis or an autoimmune disease. It may also be caused by some sex positions, including rolling over on the penis while having sexual intercourse or masturbation.

A urologist can diagnose Peyronie’s disease through a physical exam and imaging techniques like X-rays and ultrasounds. The doctor may recommend oral, topical or injection treatments to address the condition. Medications can reduce inflammation and help the penis become more rigid. Traction therapy is the most effective treatment for the condition.

Your urologist may recommend surgery to straighten your penis if the curvature is severe and makes it difficult or impossible to have sex. This procedure is typically performed only after the plaque has stopped forming and the penis has stabilized for nine to 12 months. Your urologist can remove the plaque from your penis or use a tissue graft to replace it. Alternatively, your urologist can shorten the penis with an implant.

Other Causes

In most cases, a curved penis is not anything to worry about. Some men are born with a slight curve or the curve develops over time due to other conditions or injuries. However, it’s a good idea to talk to your healthcare provider about it if the curve gradually worsens or causes pain or problems during sexual intercourse or when you try to urinate. They may order an X-ray of your penis or an ultrasound test to see the shape and look for calcium deposits or scar tissue. They will also ask you about your symptoms and medical history.

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In some cases, the curve is very severe and can cause pain for both you and your partner during sex or when trying to have an erection. It can also lead to erectile dysfunction and loss of length or girth in the shaft of your penis. This is known as Peyronie’s Disease and is a condition caused by scar tissue that develops on the penis.

In this case, your doctor can prescribe a medication to help you have an erection. These medications can be injectables or oral pills. However, these medications will not cure a curved penis that is caused by Peyronie’s disease. It will only temporarily relieve the symptoms. If the problem returns or it becomes painful, you will need surgery.

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