How Often Do Women Want Sex?

While some couples may argue that once a week is too much or too little, each individual couple determines the amount of sex that works best for them. This may change over time.

According to a study by Kindara, sex remains highly valued for many women even throughout their 40s, 50s, and 60s. The decades-old thinking that women lose interest in sex after midlife is simply not true.

1. Current Events

Many people assume that women lose interest in sex as they get older, but that simply isn’t true. According to research presented in 2020 at the virtual annual meeting of the North American Menopause Society, a significant number of women continue to highly value sex throughout their 40s and 50s. In the study, researchers looked at a woman’s feelings about sex over time and found three distinct pathways. Some women experience a rapid decline in sex as they enter menopause, but for most, their interest stays relatively steady until their 60s or 70s. For some women, however, a loss of interest in sex is gradual and reflects the effect of certain medical conditions on their libido.

The survey from fertility app Kindara also revealed that the majority of women surveyed (46.8%) are satisfied with the amount of sex they’re currently having. It’s important to note, though, that the average is once a week, which doesn’t necessarily mean that’s the right amount for every relationship. Regardless, it’s encouraging to see that the majority of women are still experiencing orgasms at least once a week.

Read:  Why Do I Feel Tired After Sex?

2. Bookworms

There are some people in this world who can’t get enough of a good book. These folks are known as “bookworms.” They will go out of their way to keep books on hand and ready to read, even if it means trapping them in the basement or storing them under lock and key. They may also have a tendency to eat them, which is not good for the library. These bookworms are usually members of the Family Anobiidae or the Family Dermestidae, but can also include moths, silverfish, and termites. They can be found in the Sutro Collection and other libraries everywhere.

3. Upcoming Events

According to a recent survey from the fertility app Kindara, women aren’t as “anti-sex” as they’re often portrayed. It found that while most women want more sex than they’re currently having (some say as few as 3-5 times a week), nearly half are perfectly satisfied with their current level of intimacy. Of course, desire varies by age and other factors, including emotional or mental challenges such as anxiety and stress. But it’s encouraging to see that even as we get older, most women still have high libidos. Want to give him toe-curling orgasms that’ll keep him hooked? Sign up for my free newsletter.

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4. Science

According to a study from fertility app Kindara, it’s a myth that women lose interest in sex as they age. While some women do experience a decline in their sexual desires as they reach midlife, the majority of women reported that sex remains “highly important” throughout their 40s, 50s, and 60s.

The survey also revealed that most women want more sex than they’re currently getting. Over 50% said that they want to engage in sexual activity 3-5 times a week. And 13% even say they crave sex up to six times per week!

Female libido is often influenced by hormonal changes, pregnancy, and chronic illnesses. But other factors like stress, sleep problems, and weight gain can play a role too.

One of the most important things that turns women on is feeling adored and desirable by their partner. This is why emotional connection is key for sex to feel satisfying. Research has shown that women are more likely to reach orgasm when they’re satisfied with their partners and themselves. So if you’re struggling to ignite those feelings in the bedroom, try talking about it.

5. Relationships

The frequency of sex in relationships has a lot to do with age and the stage of your relationship. Typically, people who are newly in love have sex more often than those in long term partnerships – think of it as the “limerence stage.”

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When that phase ends (usually about six months to a year into a relationship), sex frequency drops. This can be caused by many factors including aging, health concerns, and the amount of time spent together.

However, even if you’re in a long term relationship it’s important to have a conversation about how often you want sex. This will help you avoid resentment if he wants to have sex more often than you do.

Ultimately, there’s no right answer to how often you should have sex. But, focusing on the quality of sex and your connection with your partner is what’s most important in a healthy relationship. For instance, talking, hanging out, working together as a team, celebrating holidays, and giving each other gifts can all contribute to your love for one another.

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