How Big Should a 14 Year Olds Penis Be?

Parents can ease their children’s anxieties about normal penile growth by educating themselves and their kids about puberty. The chart below was created based on research studies involving adolescent boys and men, but there can be large variations in penile length and size between different groups.

Penis size should never be used to judge a man’s virility or masculinity. In fact, this type of cultural attitude can only serve to detract from a young person’s self-esteem at an age when they are beginning to discover who they are.


Penis growth is closely linked to the onset of puberty – This section is the result of the service experts’ research Puberty itself usually begins between ages 10 and 14, although the growth spurt may not begin until a boy is 12 or 13.

Once the testicles and scrotum start to grow, the penis will follow suit. However, the rate at which each child grows is highly variable. While a boy’s height might catch up with his peers by age 15, the penis may not mature until his early 20s. This can be very distressing for some boys.

While concern about a small penis is completely normal for teens going through puberty, it can become more of an issue if those concerns are echoed or reinforced by other adults or family members. It’s important to remind teens that the size of their penis isn’t a measurement of their masculinity or virility.

It is also important to point out that the groin area can feel different when the penis is relaxed and soft (flaccid) or fully hardened and erect. Measuring the length of a flaccid penis is difficult and inaccurate because it does not take into account the natural curve of the penis. Instead, the circumference of a penis can be measured more accurately by using a measuring tape.

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A physical exam may establish that a penis is smaller than one might expect for the teen’s age. But that examination cannot determine how much further growth will occur.


The onset of puberty is a time of great excitement for some teens, but it can also be a source of anxiety and insecurity. This is especially true of the penis, as many young men worry that they may not have a large enough member for sexual satisfaction. While this anxiety is natural, parents should help to alleviate these concerns by educating themselves about pubertal development and the growth of a man’s penis.

While puberty typically begins with the enlargement of the testicles and scrotum, the penis usually grows only after this stage. Nonetheless, the penis can grow quickly during puberty, and its size is largely dependent upon genetics. As a result, it’s important for teen guys to keep track of their penis’ sizes and compare them to those of their peers.

There are several charts available online that can be used to calculate a person’s penile height. However, these charts are based on studies and surveys conducted by individual researchers, so there can be regional and cultural differences.

In addition, a teen’s self-reported penile length can be inaccurate, as a 2019 study noted that males often overestimate their own lengths. To ensure the accuracy of a measurement, it’s best to seek out a professional. This could be a doctor or a teenage health specialist, who can perform a physical test to determine the actual penile length.

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As a child enters puberty, his penis will increase in length and thickness. This is due to changes in hormones and the growth of underlying tendons and bones. On average, a male’s penis is 2.5 to 4.0 inches long when not erect, and 4.0 to 8.0 inches when he is erected. The girth of a person’s penis is also influenced by genetics and the body’s ability to retain fluid.

A person’s weight can influence how large his penis will be, so it is important to maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine. If a teenager is concerned about his penis size, he should seek help from a counselor or psychologist. Parents should not reinforce his fears by making fun of him or ridiculing his appearance. Rather, they should support him and explain that a man’s virility and masculinity are not based on the size of his penis.

Many teenagers are self-conscious about their genital size, and some may even suffer from psychological problems as a result of these concerns. Some of these problems include a fear of rejection, low self-esteem, and depression. In addition, some teens are prone to developing rashes on the skin of their penis. These rashes may be caused by a variety of factors, such as allergies to foods, plants, and chemicals. These rashes can lead to itching, swelling, and bleeding.


While genetics play a role in penis size from the start, they are especially important during puberty. The androgens produced during fetal development regulate the growth of the penis, including length and girth. Throughout puberty, testosterone and other hormones influence penis growth, too. If one parent has a longer, larger penis, the chances are good that you will have one, too. But, there’s a lot more to it than that. You might have inherited genes for a larger penis from one parent and genes for a smaller, shorter penis from the other. Or, you might lean left while your sibling hangs right.

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A few boys may never reach their expected penis size due to a hormone-related condition called Klinefelter syndrome, in which a person is born with an extra X chromosome, which can impact genital development. While treatment for Klinefelter syndrome can help, it doesn’t stop the natural progression of male genitals during puberty. In addition, some guys are just born with small testicles or a penis that hangs to the side (which is perfectly normal). It’s worth noting that while genital size does affect a boy’s self-esteem, it shouldn’t define his masculinity or any other qualities that make him unique. Boys who are concerned about their penis should discuss their concerns with their doctor. Testicular exams are often offered at regular checkups, so it’s easy to have your penis assessed if you’re concerned.

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